Yesterday, a cacophony of irritating noises permeated my brain on board an otherwise pleasant United flight from Orlando to Newark.
Some airlines think they have improved service by providing free entertainment streaming on personal mobile devices. And of course, in-flight wifi is becoming ever more commonplace. Actually, what the airlines have done is saved a bundle of money on maintaining those personal seat back screens. They’ve also created a major new source of in-flight irritation.
The problem is not the airlines per se, but the inconsiderate and ill-mannered behavior of un-civil society members on board.
Let me make things clear. If your child is playing a game on their mobile device, turn off the sound. I don’t want to hear the bloops and beeps.
If you are watching a video, turn off the sound or use headphones. I am not interested in your video, no matter what it is.
If you are texting inflight I don’t want to hear a chime, buzz, or bell each time you receive a message. Turn them off.
If you are listening to music, use headphones and keep the volume at a level so that I don’t have to listen to your music. I don’t want to hear it no matter how good you think it is.
Cabin crews — please add a blurb to your in-flight announcements regarding courteous use of personal entertainment devices. Require use of headphones with any sound generating device. If you hear or see someone violating this request (which ought to be a rule) instruct the violator about expected behavior. Don’t ignore it to the point where I need to call you over to deal with it.