NWS Weather Alerts via Ham Pager

If you’ve been thinking about something useful to do with your amateur radio POCSAG pager, think situational awareness. This has been a strange year not only for dealing with an extreme virus but with extreme weather.

You can subscribe your ham pager to rubric 1081 to receive county specfic weather alers in almost real time. I currently provide feeds to DAPNET for 38 US counties. If your county is not on the list, it can be added upon request.

You can find out more about this service and DAPNET via the DAPNET Wiki.

If you don’t already have a DAPNET paging transmitter in your area you can use your Pi-Star MMDVM-based hotspot. The capability is built-in. If you need a compatible amateur radio pager, they can be found on eBay.

73 de K2IE

5 thoughts on “NWS Weather Alerts via Ham Pager”

  1. Do you think this could be applied to Canada’s severe weather system as I live in Canada and would LOVE to have alerts paged out on my pistar but this is for the National Weather Service not Environment Canada

    1. Someone would have to take a look at the data sources offered by Environment Canada and come up with a way to parse that data and send it to pagers in the appropriate areas. Perhaps they have something similar to the Common Alerting Protocol used by the NWS and publish the data in XML?

  2. Hi,

    I have searched for, but not found how I get the APRS.fi or NWS alertes as a rubric to my “pager”.

    A pointer would be great…


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