An IMRS connection to the XLX020 reflector has been activated on the NJ2DG Fusion repeater in Martinsville, NJ. All XLX020 modules are now accessible via the repeater.
To select a module, simply transmit with the DGID set to any of (10 .. 35). DGID 10 is XLX020 Module A, DGID 11 is XLX020 Module B, etc. Module D (CNJHAM) uses DGID 13.
Unlike DMR, there is no initial keyup required to connect to the chosen module. This is about as easy as it gets, once you learn how to change the transmit DGID on your radio.
Wires-X is still available via DGID 50 with an inactivity timer of 10 minutes. The IMRS connected modules do not have an inactivity timer.
The NJ2DG Fusion repeater in Martinsville is on 441.400 MHz (+5).
73 de K2IE